Empathizing - Systemizing

How do you assess situations, process information, and make decisions in your life? Take our Empathizing-Sympathizing Test and learn how naturally you empathize with other people, as well as how strong your interest is in more systemic set-ups.

Extreme Empathizer
Extreme Empathizer

You are an extreme empathizer. This means you are in the top percentage of those with empathizing traits. You are able to identify and understand others’ thoughts and emotions incredibly easily, with little effort. You also have a natural ability to detect others’ intentions and emotions, even when they are being hidden from you. If someone is lying or being dishonest, you are extremely skilled at detecting this. Likewise, if someone is trying to hide their true feelings, you are able to sense what these true feelings are.


You are an empathizer. Others often look to you when they need advice or simply need someone to talk to. You are a great listener who truly cares about what others are going through. Being an empathizer means you are able to easily identify and understand others’ thoughts and emotions.


You are neither an empathizer nor a systemizer – you are balanced. On the one hand, you are able to identify and understand others, but on the other hand, you may not always pick up on social cues. You are a very giving person, but also recognize when you need to do what is best for yourself.


You are a systemizer. You have strong attention to detail and most of your decisions are driven by facts. You are rarely guided by your heart when making decisions, and typically rely on the facts to guide you.

Extreme Systemizer
Extreme Systemizer

You are an extreme systemizer. You are in the top percentage of those with systemizing traits. You have strong attention to detail and your decisions are driven by facts. You pride yourself on being led by your head, not your heart. You can be a good listener, and you care what others have to say, but you often find your mind wandering if the conversation is not engaging enough.

Empathizing - Systemizing Test

There are two basic types of people out there when it comes to assessing situations, processing information, and making decisions. The first type is empathetic. Empathetic types typically seek to relate to and understand the feelings and motivations of other people. They also look to respond to what they pick up on from others with appropriate emotional responses of their own. The second type is more analytical in nature and seeks to identify or understand systems. They also tend to feel compelled to determine what makes them tick. Most people are a combination of the two.

Take our Empathizing-Sympathizing test and find out where you fall on the spectrum. Learn how naturally you empathize with other people, as well as how strong your interest is in more systemic set-ups. Gain valuable insight into how you tend to solve problems and navigate your way through unfamiliar situations as well.