My Personality Test Overview

My Personality Tests was designed to help you understand yourself and others better. Free 10 minute personality test will allow you learn more about your strengths and discover how you can achieve fulfilment in your professional and romantic life.

Personality Type Indicator
Personality Type Indicator

Start your journey to self-discovery right here with this personality test. Still trying to figure out what or who you want to be in life? Our Personality Type Indicator can provide valuable insights.

In 1921, Carl Jung published Psychological Types, in which he categorized people into primary types of psychological functions. In the 1940s Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers built upon the research developed by Jung and developed their own theory of psychological types showcasing 16 unique personalities.

This 10-minute test is designed to get you started on the path to knowing yourself better. Discover hidden strengths or weaknesses and gain valuable insight into how you can achieve your personal and professional goals.

The following statements deal with your perception of yourself in different situations. Try to be as honest as possible in the answers you give.

True Colours
True Colours

It goes without saying that all people are different from one another. However, it’s also important to note that no one personality is truly the same from one moment to the next either. Variables such as environment, associations, mood, and many other factors can drastically affect the way your unique personality expresses itself in one situation as compared to another.

After you’ve been properly introduced to your personality by our test indicator, consider letting our True Colours test treat you to even more insight into who you are. Learn more about how you’re likely to react to both anticipated and unexpected situations, as well as gain valuable understanding into how you tend to make adjustments according to the circumstances at hand.

Empathizing - Systemizing
Empathizing - Systemizing

There are two basic types of people out there when it comes to assessing situations, processing information, and making decisions. The first type is empathetic. Empathetic types typically seek to relate to and understand the feelings and motivations of other people. They also look to respond to what they pick up on from others with appropriate emotional responses of their own. The second type is more analytical in nature and seeks to identify or understand systems. They also tend to feel compelled to determine what makes them tick. Most people are a combination of the two.

Take our Empathizing-Sympathizing test and find out where you fall on the spectrum. Learn how naturally you empathize with other people, as well as how strong your interest is in more systemic set-ups. Gain valuable insight into how you tend to solve problems and navigate your way through unfamiliar situations as well.

Locus of Control
Locus of Control

The term “locus of control” refers to the degree to which people believe they can control or influence the various events that take place in their lives. A person that possesses an internal locus of control is someone that believes they are ultimately the one in the driver’s seat as far as how a given situation turns out. On the other side of the spectrum, you have people with an external locus of control. Such people attribute outcomes to outside forces such as chance, luck, or the choices of others.

Take our Locus of Control test and to find out where you fall on the spectrum. Learn more about the strength of your own personal sense of power and discover how you can work with what you learn to better achieve your goals.

Big 5
Big 5

Developed in 1968, The Big 5 is based on common language descriptors of personalities and has become one of the most insightful personality test availbale.

Why should I take these tests?

Why should I take these tests?

Learn more how you react to both anticipated and unexpected situations. Gain valuable understanding into how you make adjustments according to the circumstances at hand.

Are my results private?

Your results are completely anonymous and will not be shared with anyone unless you decide to do so. We will never publicly associate your name with your results.

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