INTJ - Personal Relationship

The Visionaries


INTJs’ homes are very organized and run efficiently. They always take their parenting role very seriously, and constantly put their child’s needs before their own. They expect their children’s respect, and to follow the house’s rules and expectations. INTJ parents enjoy feeling completely in charge of situations, making it clear to their children what is expected of them. When their children do not obey, INTJs have no problem reprimanding/punishing their children. Because INTJs like being in charge, the teen years are usually the most difficult for INTJ parents and their children. Particularly difficult children may rebel or lash out, and INTJ parents may have a difficult time letting go. INTJ parents must remind themselves that sometimes they need to sit back and let their children grow into becoming independent and responsible.

Although they like overseeing everything, INTJ parents are still great at helping their children learn and develop. They look for ways to promote education and independent thinking in their children. They usually pass on their desire for success to their children, and children of INTJs are rarely lazy!

Romantic Relationships

INTJs take their romantic relationships very seriously, and take it upon themselves to ensure that the relationship is successful. INTJs are constantly looking for ways they can strengthen and improve their relationship.

INTJs are very aware of their partner’s feelings. They have a knack for sensing when their partner is feeling mad or sad, and they do their best to help their partner feel better. INTJs are very warm and empathic toward their romantic partners.

Because INTJs are very career-oriented, this can sometimes interfere with their romantic relationships. INTJs need partners who support them fully, particularly in their careers. It is important that an INTJ’s partner understands their drive and motivation. A partner who does not understand why an INTJ spends so much time at the office will not last long.


INTJs are interested in learning as much as they can about their friends. They enjoy engaging in conversations that help them learn more about others and the world around them. INTJs love stimulating, intellectual conversations, and are not afraid to challenge others in doing so.

INTJs seek out friends who share their views and interests, and have little patience for others with different views and lifestyles. They are especially attracted to others who exude confidence and have a strong desire for knowledge like themselves. They make have a difficult time becoming friends with “P” (perceiving) personality types, who like to keep their options open and make decisions more slowly than INTJs.

I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.
Carl Jung