INTP - Friendships



INTPs may seem reserved at first, but once others get to know them, they are an open book. They love spending hours talking about themselves and their ideas with others. In addition, INTPs are always interested in learning as much as they can about their friends. They love having long conversations to get to know others on a deeper level. INTPs love stimulating, intellectual conversations, and are not afraid to challenge others in doing so.

INTPs seek out friends who share their views and interests, and have little patience for others with different views and lifestyles. They are especially attracted to others who exude confidence and have a strong desire for knowledge like themselves. They make have a difficult time becoming friends with “P” (perceiving) personality types, who like to keep their options open and make decisions more slowly than INTPs.

ESFP Friendships

INTPs may seem reserved at first, but once others get to know them, they are an open book. They love spending hours talking about themselves and their ideas with others. In addition, INTPs are always interested in learning as much as they can about their friends. They love having long conversations to get to know others on a deeper level. INTPs love stimulating, intellectual conversations, and are not afraid to challenge others in doing so.

INTPs seek out friends who share their views and interests, and have little patience for others with different views and lifestyles. They are especially attracted to others who exude confidence and have a strong desire for knowledge like themselves. They make have a difficult time becoming friends with “P” (perceiving) personality types, who like to keep their options open and make decisions more slowly than INTPs.