Agreeableness – Low

Agreeableness – Low

You scored low on agreeableness. Others describe you as outspoken and bold. You don’t usually go out of your way to help others, but are willing to help close family and friends when needed. Life has taught you that you need to watch out for yourself and your family before you go out of your way to help others. Because of this, it takes you quite a while to trust others.

In group situations, you value choosing the right option, rather than keeping everyone happy. You do what you can to convince others that you are right, and typically try to make them see things your way. In a nutshell, you try to be as objective as possible when making decisions in order to make sure you are making the right choice.

When interacting with others, you are very pointed. Because you are so outspoken, our mouth sometimes gets you into trouble.

Openness to Experience Agreeableness – Low

You scored low on agreeableness. Others describe you as outspoken and bold. You don’t usually go out of your way to help others, but are willing to help close family and friends when needed. Life has taught you that you need to watch out for yourself and your family before you go out of your way to help others. Because of this, it takes you quite a while to trust others.

In group situations, you value choosing the right option, rather than keeping everyone happy. You do what you can to convince others that you are right, and typically try to make them see things your way. In a nutshell, you try to be as objective as possible when making decisions in order to make sure you are making the right choice.

When interacting with others, you are very pointed. Because you are so outspoken, our mouth sometimes gets you into trouble.