Extraversion – Medium

Extraversion – Medium

You have a medium level of extraversion. This means that at times, you get your energy from being around others; but at other times, you get your energy by being alone. Life is all about balance, and for you, it’s important to spend time alone and with others. You don’t mind being the center of attention at times, but you don’t seek out ways to be the center of attention either.

Because you have traits of both an introvert and extravert, you know when to speak up and when to stay silent. You are able to recognize the times when you need to speak up and be assertive, and can find the courage to have those difficult conversations when necessary.

Jobs for those who are moderately extraverted include those that allow building relationships with others, but also allow periods of time to work alone. The best jobs for these individuals include counseling, human resources, or being a director.

Neuroticism Extraversion – Medium

You have a medium level of extraversion. This means that at times, you get your energy from being around others; but at other times, you get your energy by being alone. Life is all about balance, and for you, it’s important to spend time alone and with others. You don’t mind being the center of attention at times, but you don’t seek out ways to be the center of attention either.

Because you have traits of both an introvert and extravert, you know when to speak up and when to stay silent. You are able to recognize the times when you need to speak up and be assertive, and can find the courage to have those difficult conversations when necessary.

Jobs for those who are moderately extraverted include those that allow building relationships with others, but also allow periods of time to work alone. The best jobs for these individuals include counseling, human resources, or being a director.