ENFJ - Parenthood


ENFJs take parenting very seriously. They have little difficulty developing close relationships with their children, and are very warm, supportive, and responsible parents. ENFJs take the task of instilling strong values and goals in their children very seriously, and constantly aim to be good role models for their children.

Because ENFJs hold themselves to such a high standard of parenting, they sometimes have a tendency to become strict and controlling parents. They may often push their children toward sharing their own ideals and values. ENFJs must remember to allow their children to make mistakes and be able to learn on their own.

ISFJ Parenthood

ENFJs take parenting very seriously. They have little difficulty developing close relationships with their children, and are very warm, supportive, and responsible parents. ENFJs take the task of instilling strong values and goals in their children very seriously, and constantly aim to be good role models for their children.

Because ENFJs hold themselves to such a high standard of parenting, they sometimes have a tendency to become strict and controlling parents. They may often push their children toward sharing their own ideals and values. ENFJs must remember to allow their children to make mistakes and be able to learn on their own.