ENTJ - Strengths and Weaknesses

The Reformers


ENTJs are natural leaders and are great problem solvers. To an ENTJ, there is no problem that cannot be overcome, and they enjoy nothing more than reaching their goals. Others are naturally drawn to them, and ENTJs have a knack for getting others onboard with their ideas.

ENTJs hold themselves and others to a very high standard. They always try to learn from their mistakes, doing their best to avoid making the same mistakes again in the future.

ENTJs have the rare ability to visualize the future they desire, and are able to put it into a plan of action. This is evident in both their personal life and work life. In their personal life, ENTJs enjoy setting goals for themselves, and are always looking for ways to better themselves. In their work life, ENTJs are able to visualize where their project or company is headed, and make a plan to achieve this.


While ENTJs enjoy leadership roles and solving problems, they often may seem “pushy” when sharing their ideas with others. ENTJs must remind themselves to make others feel heard, even when ENTJs don’t agree.

Because ENTJs do not like themselves or others making mistakes, they may become impatient with others who are less competent than themselves. They focus more on efficiency than the needs and feelings of others, which can often be problematic. ENTJs are best fit for leadership roles and may have trouble working as a team—especially if their team members are feeling (F) types.

Similarly, ENTJs’ desire for efficiency and practicality may lead them to neglect thinking about the bigger picture or complex theories. They may have a tendency to make decisions without considering all of the possible options. Others may view them as impatient.

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma.
Steve Jobs