ESFJ - Career

The Supporters

Work Habits

ESFJs are very giving and are willing to help others when needed, and this is apparent in the workplace. ESFJs are great team-players. They enjoy working in groups, and are both flexible and practical when doing so.

People with this personality type have trouble dealing with conflict, and will to go great lengths to avoid conflict. Although they may seek affirmation from others, they are very sensitive to any negative feedback. Oftentimes, ESFJs take negative feedback very personally, and will harbor a grudge about it later on.

Career Paths

ESFJs’ strong communication skills, coupled with their dependability and organization, makes them well-suited for careers in leadership or administrative roles. They tend to seek out and enjoy careers where they can directly help others and see the impact they’re making every day. They often are well-suited for careers in child care, management, counseling, administration, health care, public relations, and teaching. ESFJs’ eye for aesthetic beauty, coupled with their organizational skills and social nature, also makes them well-suited for careers as photographers or designers.

I think love is the through line and it's universal and it doesn't matter what period of time, time or place, or people, that's something we all connect to. That's the thin thread that I think keeps it altogether.
Rachel McAdams