INFJ - Personal Relationship

The Guides


INFJs take parenting very seriously. They have little difficulty developing close relationships with their children, and are very warm, supportive, and responsible parents. INFJs are able to easily empathize with their children, and see things from the child’s perspective. They quickly form strong bonds with their children, and will endure any burden in order to improve their child’s life.

INFJs take the task of instilling strong values and goals in their children very seriously, and constantly aim to be good role models for their children. Because INFJs hold themselves to such a high standard of parenting, they sometimes have a tendency to become strict and controlling parents. They may often push their children toward sharing their own ideals and values. INFJs must remember to allow their children to make mistakes and be able to learn on their own.

Romantic Relationships

Above all else, INFJs are looking for a deep, genuine relationship. INFJs’ have a strong desire for close, intimate relationships, and are willing to put in the effort to achieve this. Sometimes, INFJs may seem too idealistic or perfectionistic when looking for a partner — they do not like to settle.

Initially, INFJs may have trouble opening up to their significant other. They do best with a deeply caring partner who is a great listener. Once INFJs do open up though, they are usually great at maintaining these relationships by being affectionate, loyal, and trustworthy. INFJs are often drawn to other Feeling personality types, with similar values as themselves.

INFJs may have some trouble finding “the one” with whom they can form this deep, meaningful connection. People with this personality type may be picky when dating, and seek out partners with similar goals and values. In addition, INFJs intuition allows them to see through manipulative partners’ deception, and INFJs have little tolerance for a romantic partner who does not have strong morals and values.


INFJS also seek out authenticity in their friendships. They do not like having many surface-level connections. Rather, they want to get to know people on a more meaningful level. They are able to quickly understand others’ personalities.

While INFJs are able to understand others easily, others may have trouble getting to know an INFJ. They are often seen as warm, but keep their innermost thoughts to themselves. Once INFJs form strong friendships with others, however, they are open books. INFJs often become others’ most loyal, trustworthy, and supportive friends. Although INFJs do not feel the need to keep up with others from day-to-day, once you meet a close INFJ friend, it is like no time has passed.

INFJs have a genuine interest in others, and are often perceived as wise and caring. Although they are well-liked and are widely respected, they consider themselves to have only a few close friends. They have the ability to empathize with a variety of people, but prefer for their closest friends to have similar values as themselves. In particular, INFJs may choose to avoid Sensing and Perceiving types, whose carefree attitude may conflict with their own beliefs.

Some failure in life is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all — in which case, you fail by default.
J.K. Rowling