ISFJ - Strengths and Weaknesses

The Protectors


ISFJs are naturally practical, dependable, and flexible. When interacting with others, they are warm, kind-hearted, and generous. They enjoy nothing more than spending time with friends and family. They are accepting of others, but often hold grudges against those who have wronged them in the past.

Although it may take a while to get to know an ISFJ, they make excellent confidants. They always are there for others, offering a shoulder to cry on after a bad day. They have the ability to develop strong bonds with others very quickly. They also have the ability to connect with animals and children easily.

ISFJs are very practical and observant. They are more concerned with the real-world impact of things, rather than big, complex theories and ideas. They prefer to rely on information they can observe, rather than intuitive feelings.

ISFJs are very responsible. They hold their values very strongly, and are willing to put in the time needed to make the world a better place. Oftentimes, their values are based on traditions, rather than lofty ideals.

ISFJs live in a world of possibilities. They love trying new things, and have developed very refined tastes. They appreciate things that are aesthetically pleasing, and take pride in decorating and organizing their home.


ISFJs often seek out the opinions of others, but may have a hard time accepting criticism. They may become reliant on others’ approval to validate their self-worth. Others may view ISFJs as overly-sensitive and emotional.

ISFJs enjoy helping others, but for some ISFJs, this may translate into trying to change others. ISFJs must always remind themselves they can’t help everyone — they can only help people who want their help. This tendency may become particularly troublesome for ISFJs’ romantic relationships. They may initially enter into a romantic relationship wanting to help someone change, but may become frustrated when their romantic partner can’t change.

ISFJs strongly held values, coupled with their responsible nature, gives them the drive to work hard and meet their obligations. However, ISFJs must always be aware of what the driving force is behind these obligations. Oftentimes, ISFJs can feel obligation from social expectations, rather than an internal desire to change the world. They must not fall into a routine of helping others at a cost to themselves and their own wellbeing.

ISFJs’ strong desire to “belong” means they may be overly concerned about their social status. They may become preoccupied with how others’ see them, and this can potentially be damaging to their self-esteem and character. It is critical that ISFJs take time to think about their own needs and desires, rather than the needs and desires others have for them.

Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the action that we do.
Mother Theresa