ENTP - Work Habits

Work Habits

ENTPs are strong communicators and are great for leadership positions in their career. They can easily identify problems and envision the best way to solve it. ENTPs have the rare ability to consider both theoretical ideas, as well as the practical implications.

ENTPs are usually well-liked by their coworkers and superiors in the workplace. However, they enjoy pointing out flaws in others’ logic and plans. This can make ENTPs come off as harsh to others—particularly their subordinates. ENTPs must remind themselves to consider the feelings of others, rather than focusing solely on finding potential problems. They must make an effort to let others know how appreciated and valued they are – something that ENTPs often forget about in the hustle and bustle of things.

ISFP Work Habits

ENTPs are strong communicators and are great for leadership positions in their career. They can easily identify problems and envision the best way to solve it. ENTPs have the rare ability to consider both theoretical ideas, as well as the practical implications.

ENTPs are usually well-liked by their coworkers and superiors in the workplace. However, they enjoy pointing out flaws in others’ logic and plans. This can make ENTPs come off as harsh to others—particularly their subordinates. ENTPs must remind themselves to consider the feelings of others, rather than focusing solely on finding potential problems. They must make an effort to let others know how appreciated and valued they are – something that ENTPs often forget about in the hustle and bustle of things.