INFP - Work Habits

Work Habits

Although they get along well with their colleagues, INFPs enjoy working independently and creatively. They will not do well in high-stress environments or environments that require a great deal of teamwork.

In addition, people with thinking (T) and judging (J) traits may have a hard time working with INFPs. Thinkers and Judgers thrive in a highly-structured environment and are very detail-oriented, and may view INFPs as too free-spirited.

INTJ Work Habits

Although they get along well with their colleagues, INFPs enjoy working independently and creatively. They will not do well in high-stress environments or environments that require a great deal of teamwork.

In addition, people with thinking (T) and judging (J) traits may have a hard time working with INFPs. Thinkers and Judgers thrive in a highly-structured environment and are very detail-oriented, and may view INFPs as too free-spirited.