ENFP - Work Habits

Work Habits

ENFPs are well-liked in the workplace. They are able to get to know others quickly and easily, and are great team players. They work well with both introverted and extraverted individuals. However, people with thinking (T) and judging (J) traits may have a hard time working with ENFPs. Thinkers and Judgers thrive in a highly-structured environment and are very detail-oriented, and may view ENFPs as too free-spirited.

INTJ Work Habits

ENFPs are well-liked in the workplace. They are able to get to know others quickly and easily, and are great team players. They work well with both introverted and extraverted individuals. However, people with thinking (T) and judging (J) traits may have a hard time working with ENFPs. Thinkers and Judgers thrive in a highly-structured environment and are very detail-oriented, and may view ENFPs as too free-spirited.