ESTP - Strengths


ESTPs are loved by almost everyone they meet. They have their own brand of humor, and others are drawn to their charisma. They love to be the center of attention. They always try to be straight-forward with others — a trait that others often appreciate — and rarely sugar-coat things.

ESTPs are great problem-solvers. They are very resourceful and are able to adapt easily when necessary. They are able to think critically and logically when making decisions, rarely letting their emotions cloud their judgment. When confronted with a problem, ESTPs try to use the information available to make the best decision, hoping for the best. They place a great deal of trust their own judgement, which is based solely off of unbiased logic and reasoning. They have little tolerance for intuitive judgments. Rather, they prefer to evaluate the information available to them and make a decision quickly.

ESTPs have initiative, and others often describe them as “doers”. They are very competitive, and are always pushing themselves to be the best. This helps them become very successful in life, particularly in their careers.

INTP Strengths

ESTPs are loved by almost everyone they meet. They have their own brand of humor, and others are drawn to their charisma. They love to be the center of attention. They always try to be straight-forward with others — a trait that others often appreciate — and rarely sugar-coat things.

ESTPs are great problem-solvers. They are very resourceful and are able to adapt easily when necessary. They are able to think critically and logically when making decisions, rarely letting their emotions cloud their judgment. When confronted with a problem, ESTPs try to use the information available to make the best decision, hoping for the best. They place a great deal of trust their own judgement, which is based solely off of unbiased logic and reasoning. They have little tolerance for intuitive judgments. Rather, they prefer to evaluate the information available to them and make a decision quickly.

ESTPs have initiative, and others often describe them as “doers”. They are very competitive, and are always pushing themselves to be the best. This helps them become very successful in life, particularly in their careers.