ESTP - Weaknesses


Because ESTPs are very detail-oriented, and may have a difficult time thinking about big concepts or theories. They would much rather focus on realistic possibilities that are practical, rather than big ideas with limited practical importance. At times, it may be hard for ESTPs to see the “big picture”, or see too far into the future, and they may get caught up in details of the present moment instead.

ESTPs are not afraid to take risks. In some cases, this can be a positive trait. However, these risk-taking tendencies often make ESTPs prone to making poorly thought-out decisions. They may make irresponsible financial choices—gambling or making impulsive purchases. At times like these, ESTPs often forget about their responsibilities and how their actions may affect others. Aside from this, ESTPs’ impulsiveness may make them prone to difficulties in other areas of their lives. They are constantly seeking new and exciting things, making it hard for an ESTP to focus in school. It is critical that ESTPs continually practice keeping their impulses in check. If ESTPs are able to keep their impulsiveness in check, however, their enthusiasm and charisma will help them become very successful in life.

INTP Weaknesses

Because ESTPs are very detail-oriented, and may have a difficult time thinking about big concepts or theories. They would much rather focus on realistic possibilities that are practical, rather than big ideas with limited practical importance. At times, it may be hard for ESTPs to see the “big picture”, or see too far into the future, and they may get caught up in details of the present moment instead.

ESTPs are not afraid to take risks. In some cases, this can be a positive trait. However, these risk-taking tendencies often make ESTPs prone to making poorly thought-out decisions. They may make irresponsible financial choices—gambling or making impulsive purchases. At times like these, ESTPs often forget about their responsibilities and how their actions may affect others. Aside from this, ESTPs’ impulsiveness may make them prone to difficulties in other areas of their lives. They are constantly seeking new and exciting things, making it hard for an ESTP to focus in school. It is critical that ESTPs continually practice keeping their impulses in check. If ESTPs are able to keep their impulsiveness in check, however, their enthusiasm and charisma will help them become very successful in life.