Big 5 Test - Neuroticism

Big 5 Test Neuroticism – High

You scored high in neuroticism. Others may describe you as emotionally reactive – emotionally, you experience extreme highs and extreme lows.

You also can be very anxious at times, and others may describe you as somewhat pessimistic. You tend to worry about how you are perceived by others. Your thoughts often keep you awake at night.

Although being neurotic may sound like a bad thing, research has found that those who score high in this trait are typically very successful. Researcher Daniel Nettle recently found that people who score high in neuroticism are extremely hard-working, no matter what. You tend to think through future challenges that may arise, a trait that helps you handle challenges that arise. Because you worry about what others think of you, you are able to do your best building relationships with your supervisor and coworkers.

Neuroticism can be a trait that helps you excel at work. Neurotic individuals typically do well in careers as entrepreneurs, and in careers that they are truly passionate about.

Big 5 Test Neuroticism – Medium

You are moderately neurotic – at times, you can be anxious or emotional, while at other times, you are relaxed and calm. Your mood may fluctuate slightly, depending on the day.

You describe yourself as a realist. You don’t tend to be overly optimistic or overly pessimistic, and are able to view problems clearly and realistically, considering many factors.

Your neurotic traits – such as worrying about how you are perceived by others – make you successful in your career. Coupled with your ability to remain level-headed, you have a great balance of traits to be a natural leader. You try to do your best at everything, even if there doesn’t seem to be anything in it for you. People who are moderate in neuroticism make great employees and supervisors.

People who are moderately neurotic typically do well in helping careers, such as counseling or public service.

Big 5 Test Neuroticism – Low

You scored low in neuroticism. You are very emotionally stable. While others may experience emotions of extreme highs and extreme lows, you tend to stay somewhere in the middle. Others often describe you as calm, level-headed, and optimistic.

Because of your tendency to tend to “go with the flow” in life, you have a hard time understanding people who are extremely emotional or anxious. Those who score low in neuroticism have a difficult time understanding and spending time with people who are highly neurotic. You typically prefer spending time with people who are relaxed, like yourself.

In stressful situations, you are able to remain calm and think clearly. Others typically look to you for guidance when this occurs, and in many situations, you are a natural leader.

Because those who score low in neuroticism are so level-headed, they tend to do well in leadership roles. They typically make great managers and executives.

All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once you grow up.
Pablo Picasso