Big 5 Test - Openness to Experience

Big 5 Test Openness to Experience – High

You have a high level of openness to experience. You are very creative, curious, and adventurous. You are always willing to try something new. You are also very imaginative, and are more interested in ideas rather than practicality.

You hate being in a routine – you are constantly looking to experience new things. If things get too repetitive, you feel like you are in a slump, and need to make a change.

Your openness to experience also makes you a great problem-solver. You don’t let problems stand in your way, and are great at coming up with solutions by thinking outside the box. You always remain flexible, handing whatever life throws at you. However, this trait also means that you typically take more time to make decisions than others do.

Being high in openness to experience makes you see the world not just in black and white – you always point out the “gray areas”. You view people as not just good or bad, but are able to understand the circumstances guiding others’ decisions. This ability makes you very empathetic towards others.

People who are high in openness to experience are well-suited for careers that allow them to use their creativity, such as advertising, poetry, acting, and art.

Big 5 Test Openness to Experience – Medium

You have a medium level of openness to experience. At times, you can be very creative, curious, and adventurous. At other times, you prefer routine. You are able to find a great balance between ideas and practicality.

You typically are a good problem-solver. When you are faced with a problem, you consider the tried-and true methods, but are also able to think outside the box. You are able to handle whatever life throws at you.

People who are moderate in openness to experience are well-suited for careers that balance creativity with stability – for example, journalism, photography, graphic design, or research.

Big 5 Test Openness to Experience – Low

You are low in openness to experience. People who are low in openness to experience are typically very dedicated to any work they do, and always make sure to see their tasks through to the end. You are not very artistic or imaginative, and do not see the value in unnecessary things like art and music.

You are very analytical, and are able to think quickly to solve any problem you are faced with. Your first instinct is to use tried-and-true methods when solving problems.

You tend to see things as black-and-white. You believe that people usually do not change, and people are either good or bad. You believe that someone’s personal traits and choices play a bigger role than luck or circumstance.

People who are low in openness to experience often are well-suited for careers that allow them to have daily routines, with job duties that are very clear. For example, you may be well-suited for a job in finance, mechanics, or technology.

Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.
Muhammad Ali