ISFP - Weaknesses


Because they enjoy living in the present moment, ISFPs can often have difficulty planning for the future. They may find themselves getting so caught up in the excitement of their day-to-day lives that they forget their long-term responsibilities.

ISFPs are constantly seeking out excitement, but if they are unable to find it, they get bored very easily. This may lead to irresponsible choices and risky behavior. This tendency may also cause problems in romantic relationships — ISFPs may be afraid of commitment because they are afraid of being trapped in an old, boring relationship. There is nothing ISFPs are more afraid of than losing that “spark” in their relationship.

ISFPs love for aesthetic beauty and poor planning skills may result in irresponsible financial choices. ISFPs may find themselves focusing on the short-term benefits of their purchases, rather than the long term consequences. It may be challenging for ISFPs to set budgets in general, and they may be frivolous or materialistic.

ISFPs often seek out the opinions of others, but may have a hard time accepting criticism. They may become reliant on others’ approval to validate their self-worth. Others may view ISFPs as overly-sensitive and emotional.

ENFP Weaknesses

Because they enjoy living in the present moment, ISFPs can often have difficulty planning for the future. They may find themselves getting so caught up in the excitement of their day-to-day lives that they forget their long-term responsibilities.

ISFPs are constantly seeking out excitement, but if they are unable to find it, they get bored very easily. This may lead to irresponsible choices and risky behavior. This tendency may also cause problems in romantic relationships — ISFPs may be afraid of commitment because they are afraid of being trapped in an old, boring relationship. There is nothing ISFPs are more afraid of than losing that “spark” in their relationship.

ISFPs love for aesthetic beauty and poor planning skills may result in irresponsible financial choices. ISFPs may find themselves focusing on the short-term benefits of their purchases, rather than the long term consequences. It may be challenging for ISFPs to set budgets in general, and they may be frivolous or materialistic.

ISFPs often seek out the opinions of others, but may have a hard time accepting criticism. They may become reliant on others’ approval to validate their self-worth. Others may view ISFPs as overly-sensitive and emotional.